Bryan Kinsey
Division of Property Assessments
Bryan Kinsey, AAS is the Director of the Tennessee Comptroller’s Division of Property Assessments. Bryan oversees the division’s central office in Nashville and its five field offices across the state. The Division of Property Assessments provides technical assistance, support, training, and oversight to local governments, assessors, and other elected officials. Bryan’s team provides computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) system support and tax billing services for most of the state’s county assessors of property, trustees, and municipal collecting officials. The division ensures county reappraisal programs are completed as scheduled and performs appraisal ratio studies for each county every two years. Bryan’s staff also administers the state’s Property Tax Relief Program and supports the local option Property Tax Freeze Program. The division also supports assessors and other local officials in using geographic information systems (GIS) to maintain parcel boundaries, municipal boundaries, and during each decennial redistricting effort.
Bryan began his career with the Comptroller’s Office in 1992, spending his first 20 years working in the Jackson field office of the Division of Property Assessments. During that time, he earned the Assessment Administration Specialist (AAS) designation with the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) as well as the Tennessee Certified Assessor (TCA) and Tennessee Master Assessor (TMA) certifications with the State Board of Equalization. Bryan relocated to the Nashville office in 2012 to assume the role of Assistant Director, which he held for 9 years before becoming Director.
Bryan holds a bachelor’s degree and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee at Martin. He is also a graduate of three of the state’s premier leadership development programs: the Tennessee Government Management Institute (TGMI), LEAD Tennessee, and the Tennessee Government Executive Institute (TGEI). Bryan is an active member of the IAAO and has held several leadership roles at both the state and national levels. In 2009 he was awarded the Tennessee Chapter’s Ray D. Kennedy, CAE Achievement Award, and he received the Chapter’s Member of the Year Award in 2017. Bryan also served a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the IAAO from 2018 through 2020.
Bryan and his wife, Thao, have a son still at home and a married daughter.