Emily Bennett
State Board of Equalization
Emily Bennett, JD is the Assistant Director of the Tennessee State Board of Equalization. Emily is responsible for reviewing property tax exemptions; assisting with drafting proposed legislation, rules, and manuals; overseeing software improvements; and providing quality control and records management.
Emily first joined the Comptroller’s Office in 2002. Since that time, she has assumed increasing levels of responsibility with the State Board including working as senior tax counsel and Project Manager for special initiatives of the Board. Emily was named Assistant Director in 2023.
Emily is a graduate of Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee. She received her law degree from the University of Tennessee College of Law and holds a Master of Business Administration from Tennessee Tech. Emily is also a 2014 graduate of LEAD Tennessee.
Emily is a resident of Williamson County. In her spare time, she enjoys reading books and exercising.