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Lake County Government Continues Trend of Poor Audit Results

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 | 09:00am

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office has just released its annual audit of Lake County government showing that numerous problems with the county’s financial records and budget processes continue to be a problem.

The audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 contains 11 findings that detail serious weaknesses, significant deficiencies, or areas of noncompliance within the Offices of County Mayor, Sheriff, Director of Schools, and the Ambulance Service Department. Five of the 11 findings were also noted in the fiscal year 2019 audit report and had not been corrected.

At a time when Tennessee counties average approximately three findings each year, Lake County has received an average of 10 findings per year for the last decade. While some of these problems are new, many of the issues have gone uncorrected for years.

Most notably, auditors had to make material adjustments to the county’s financial statements to ensure accuracy. This is a strong indicator that the county has ineffective controls over the maintenance of its accounting records.

The County Mayor’s Office also had accounting deficiencies related to reconciling checks and accounts; transferring money between funds without county commission approval; and failing to hold spending within the limits authorized by the county commission.

The Office of Director of Schools, Office of Sheriff, and Ambulance Service Department also received findings for financial missteps or internal control deficiencies.

“It is very disappointing to see audit results like these year after year,” said Comptroller Justin P. Wilson. “Our Office continues to recommend and encourage corrective action, but it is up to county leaders to make the necessary changes. The people of Lake County should hold public officials accountable for fixing these problems. It can and must be done.”

It should be noted that several offices within Lake County government did not have any findings in this year’s audit report. These offices include the County Clerk, Trustee, Road Superintendent, Clerk and Master, Register of Deeds, Assessor of Property, and the Circuit, General Sessions, and Juvenile Courts Clerk.

To view the Lake County Audit Report, click here.

If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse of public money in Tennessee, call the Comptroller’s toll-free hotline at 800.232.5454, or file a report online at: Follow us on twitter: @TNCOT

Media contact: John Dunn, Director of Communications, 615.401.7755 or

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