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Spending by Former City of Kingston Parks and Rec Director Questioned

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | 09:00am

An investigation by the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office details multiple questionable transactions and instances of spending by the former Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Kingston in Roane County.

Investigators determined the former director utilized three bank accounts for fees, sponsorships, and donations. These accounts were not maintained or authorized by city officials. From July 2016 through January 2019, the former director had sole control of the three accounts and a debit card tied to these accounts.

The investigation revealed the former director made personal, questionable, and undocumented purchases totaling at least $19,388.

Some of the questionable purchases included charges at grocery stores, sporting goods stores, a tobacco store, and other retailers paid without detailed invoices to document that the goods and/or services benefitted the Parks and Recreation Department.

The amount also includes personal purchases from Amazon and a fishing store; gift cards purchased with city funds; checks issued directly to the former director; and cash withheld from deposits.

The former director told investigators that these purchases and transactions were legitimate; however, he could not provide any documentation to support those claims.

The former Parks and Recreation Department Director resigned from his position in January 2019.

The results of the investigation have been communicated with the District Attorney General of the 9th Judicial District.

“The former director’s use of three bank accounts outside of the city’s control allowed him to bypass the city’s budgetary and purchasing procedures,” said Comptroller Jason Mumpower. “The city should ensure its internal controls are strong enough to prevent misappropriation. Needless to say, we recommend these three accounts be closed immediately.”

To view the investigative report, go to:

If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse of public money in Tennessee, call the Comptroller’s toll-free hotline at 800.232.5454, or file a report online at: Follow us on twitter: @TNCOT

Media contact: John Dunn, Director of Communications, 615.401.7755 or

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