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Comptroller’s Office Congratulates 12 Counties with Clean Audits

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 | 09:00am

Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Jason Mumpower is pleased to announce that 12 Tennessee counties audited by the Comptroller’s Division of Local Government Audit have achieved a significant accomplishment. Each of them has received a clean audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.

The 12 counties are Bedford, Chester, Henderson, Henry, Loudon, Marshall, Monroe, Obion, Robertson, Sumner, Tipton, and Williamson.

The annual audits for these counties were completed without any findings. Audit findings are used to report on weaknesses, deficiencies, or areas of noncompliance within government operations.

All 12 counties are being recognized at the Tennessee County Services Association Legislative Conference in Gatlinburg today.

“A clean audit is a good indication that government business is on track,” said Comptroller Jason E. Mumpower. “I commend all of the elected officials, leaders, and county staff who have committed to provide accountability and reliability in these 12 counties. This is quite an achievement. Congratulations.”

County’s that receive clean audits can point to a strong system that allows for accurate financial reporting and clear checks and balances that help protect taxpayer money. It takes the cooperation of numerous elected officials and staff to receive this distinction.

This honor is especially noteworthy for Loudon and Marshall counties which have received a clean audit for four years in a row. Bedford, Obion, and Robertson counties have each received two consecutive clean audits.

The 90 Tennessee counties audited by the Comptroller’s Office received a total of 267 findings in fiscal year 2020. This represents an average of 2.97 findings per county. In fiscal year 2019, Tennessee counties received an average of 3.04 findings in their annual audit reports. The average number of audit findings in Tennessee counties has declined for six years in a row.

To view all Tennessee county audit reports, click here.

If you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse of public money in Tennessee, call the Comptroller’s toll-free hotline at 800.232.5454, or file a report online at: Follow us on twitter @TNCOT and Instagram @tncot

Media contact: John Dunn, Director of Communications, 615.401.7755 or

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