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Former Knox County Governmental Librarian Paid for Time Not Worked

Ashley Satterfield indicted after receiving $108,444 in unearned pay
Thursday, December 21, 2023 | 10:00am

An investigation by the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office has resulted in the indictment of Ashley Satterfield, the former Knox County Governmental librarian. The Knox County Governmental Library assists the courts, judges, and public officials in Knox County.

Investigators found that Satterfield received at least $108,444 in compensation for not time not worked between 2014 and her resignation on January 27, 2023.

Comptroller investigators conducted interviews and reviewed documentation including identification badge entry/exit activity to determine that Satterfield was not working on many days. For example, in July 2022, she received a full month’s pay; however, her badge activity records show she was only physically present at the library for approximately one hour that month.

Investigators have also questioned an additional $40,527 of compensation received by Satterfield. Although Satterfield was not authorized to work remotely, she claimed she worked from home periodically, specifically on days when she worked at the library for less than a full workday. Investigators could not determine whether she earned the total compensation paid on these days when she was physically present at the library for less than a full workday.

Based upon this investigation, in December 2023, Ashley Satterfield was indicted by the Knox County Grand Jury on one count of theft over $60,000 and one count of official misconduct.

“Knox County officials should ensure that requirements related to completing and submitting time sheets are followed,” said Comptroller Mumpower. “In this case, Satterfield did not complete timesheets or document any annual or sick leave that she may have taken. Additionally, the library should be issuing prenumbered receipts when it collects money. Due to the lack of receipts, investigators could not determine if all the library funds were accounted for and deposited.”

To view the investigative report, go to To view a map depicting Comptroller investigations, go to

If you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse of public money in Tennessee, call the Comptroller’s toll-free hotline at 800.232.5454, or file a report online at: Follow us on X/Twitter @TNCOT and Instagram @tncot

Media contact: John Dunn, Director of Communications, 615.401.7755 or

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