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Sevier County Central Dispatch Director Investigated

Friday, September 15, 2023 | 09:00am

An investigation by the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office has examined the operations of the Sevier County Central Dispatch E911 (SCCD) department of Sevier County government. The SCCD provides county-wide 911 emergency telephone services.

Investigators determined that the SCCD director made questionable purchases totaling at least $9,462.80 from July 2021 through March 2023.

These purchases included tactical equipment, clothing, food and drinks, travel, and supplies. Investigators question the business-related purpose of these expenditures and whether the items were used exclusively in the operation of SCCD.

The investigation also found the director conducted personal business during work hours by teaching multiple first aid classes without the knowledge of county officials. From July 2022 through June 2023, the director did not record 64 annual leave hours for classes he instructed for his personal business during county work hours.

After county officials questioned the director, he voluntarily adjusted his timesheets to correct his annual leave balance.

“County officials must improve their oversight of SCCD purchases to help reduce the risk of errors, fraud, waste, or abuse,” said Comptroller Mumpower. “County officials should also establish and enforce necessary policies to ensure its employees are acting appropriately.”

To view the investigative report, go to To view a map depicting Comptroller investigations, go to

If you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse of public money in Tennessee, call the Comptroller’s toll-free hotline at 800.232.5454, or file a report online at: Follow us on X/Twitter @TNCOT and Instagram @tncot.

Media contact: John Dunn, Director of Communications, 615.401.7755 or

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