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Map of Capital Needs by District

Student Enrollment and Capital Needs by District, 2019-20

Major factors that drive increases in school capital spending include both educational needs, like more students enrolling in a district, and external factors, like the natural aging of buildings, changing building standards, and construction costs. This map shows the growth or decline in student enrollment (average daily membership or ADM) for school year 2019-20 and district capital needs.

The map shows a one-year change in student ADM, from school year 2018-19 to 2019-20. Blue and grey indicate ADM growth in districts, and tan and red indicate declines in ADM. To view the legend, click on the box underneath the search box.

Click on a district to view additional information, including the breakdown of students, schools, and classrooms. The condition of schools, renovations, and new schools needed are self-reported by districts annually to the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR). The condition of schools and a breakdown of the types of classrooms in schools are also available.

To search for a particular district, type the district name in the search bar in the upper left corner of the map.