American Rescue Plan Act Guidance for Local Governments

Local governing bodies throughout Tennessee must ensure familiarity with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The Act, which includes more than $2.2 billion in Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, also raises questions about expenditure eligibility, accounting, reporting requirements, and other issues.
The Tennessee Comptroller's Office has created these resources to address some of these questions. We also provide other information relavant to local governments below. This webpage will be continually updated.
American Rescue Plan Act
Tennessee Guidance from the Comptroller's Office
- January 11, 2022 - American Rescue Plan Act - Final Rule Guidance
- July 9, 2021 - American Rescue Plan Act - Additional Guidance
- May 13, 2021 - American Rescue Plan Act - Interim Final Rule Federal Guidance Memo
- April 21, 2021 - American Rescue Plan Act - Pre-Award Requirements Memo
- March 17, 2021 - American Rescue Plan Act - Initial Guidance Memo
U.S. Treasury Guidance
- Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Webpage
- January 6, 2022 - U.S. Treasury Final Rule
- January 6, 2022 - U.S. Treasury Overview of Final Rule
- May 10, 2021 - State and Local Fiscal Recover Funds Interim Final Rule
- State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds FAQs
- Recipient Compliance and Reporting Responsibilities and Guidance Manual
Treasury Submission Portal
All Tennessee counties and the 18 Metropolitan/Entitlement cities that are eligibile to receive funding directly from the U.S. Treasury should submit a request for funding through the Treasury Submission Portal to initiate the process.
Non-entitlement cities should not request funds through the portal. These 327 cities will receive more information from the Tennessee Department of Finance & Administration.
Additional Resources
- TN Finance & Administration Website - Local Government ARPA Information Website
- TN Department of Environment and Conservation - Water and Sewer Grant Program Website
- TN Department of Economic and Community Development - Broadband Infrastructure
- TN Treasury Department's Memo on using Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) for ARP funds
- Financial Stimulus Accountability Group
- 2021-2022 Local Government Grant Program: Information and Allocations - $100 Million in State Money