Ryan Duggin
Division of Property Assessments
Ryan Duggin is an Assistant Director within the Tennessee Comptroller’s Division of Property Assessments (DPA). Ryan leads the division’s Assessment Systems team in providing support and assessment processing for the 86 counties that use Tennessee’s IMPACT CAMA system and leads the Nashville Field Operations team in providing assistance and oversight for the nine counties that operate their own CAMA systems. Ryan also oversees the Tax Relief team in administering the statewide Tax Relief program for low-income elderly, low-income disabled, and disabled veterans.
Before joining the Comptroller’s Office in 2013, Ryan served six years as an IT Coordinator within the Rutherford County Property Assessor’s Office. He was promoted to Assistant Director in 2020.
Ryan is originally from Cannon County and is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, earning his degree in Business Administration and a minor in Economics and Finance. He has also obtained the Assessment Administration Specialist (AAS) designation with the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), as well as the Tennessee Master Assessor (TMA) and Tennessee Certified Assessor (TCA) certifications with the State Board of Equalization.
Ryan is an active member of the IAAO and its Tennessee chapter (TIAAO).
Ryan and his wife Karen have two daughters. He and his family enjoy camping at state parks, reading, and traveling. They especially love to visit Walt Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando, FL.