Member's Name |
Representing |
Dr. Joe Hoagland, Chair |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
Molly Cripps |
Governor's designee |
Dr. H.M. Hashemian |
Energy resource extraction or energy production industries |
Dale Barnett |
Commercial, industrial, or agricultural energy consumer |
Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal |
Institution of higher education |
A. L. Qualls
Energy research and design industry |
Brian Solsbee
Local distribution utility |
Vacant |
Transportation-related industry |
Steve Southerland
Residential energy user |
Stephen Smith
Environmental group |
Matt Stennett |
Industries that provide natural gas to consumers |
John Kenny
Energy efficiency and conservation as it relates to the built environment |
Jerry Kettles |
Tennessee Public Utility Commission |
Roy West |
State Treasurer's designee |
Odysseus Bostick |
Graduate student with expertise in energy issues