January 25, 2019
2:30 pm
State Capitol, Conference Room G-3, Ground Floor
The State Board of Equalization will meet on Friday, January 25, 2019, at 2:30 p.m. in the Conference Room G-3, Ground Floor, State Capitol, Nashville, Tennessee.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Review of minutes for October 30, 2018.
- Approval of Assessment Designations.
- Review and approval of Mineral Interest Identification and Registration Form.
- Consideration of Resolution - Appeals Involving Settlements and Withdrawals.
- GMF - Preservation of Affordability Corp. - Review of proposed consent order before the Shelby County Chancery Court.
- Other business.
- Adjournment.
Any individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in these proceedings should contact Lela Shadrick with the Office of Management Services at 615.401.7720 to discuss any auxiliary aids or services needed to facilitate such participation or review. Such contact may be in person, by writing, telephonically, or otherwise, and should be made no less than three days prior to the scheduled meeting date to allow time for the Board to provide such aid or service. Our phone number is 615.401.7883.