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Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief

Board Members

The Tennessee Board of Utility Regulation is created by Tennessee Code Annotated  § 7-82-701, and is given the responsibility of ensuring the financial integrity of publicly owned gas, water, and wastewater systems.  The Board is composed of eleven board members, as shown below. Members are appointed to four-year terms. 

Greg Moody
Comptroller's Designee

Eugene Hampton
Governor's Appointee
Government Finance 

Bruce Giles
Governor's Appointee
Utility District Representative

Anthony Pelham
Governor's Appointee
Utility District Representative

Tom Moss
Vice Chair
TDEC Commissioner Designee

David Purkey
Senate Speaker Appointee
Utility System Representative

Alex Smith
Governor's Appointee
Municipal Utility Representative

Candace Vannasdale
Governor's Appointee
Municipal Utility Representative

Edwin Carter
Comptroller's Appointee
State Audit

Steve Stone
House Speaker Appointee
Utility System Representative

Britt Dye
Governor's Appointee
Utility System Representative