Judicial Weighted Caseload Studies

At the request of the General Assembly, this study analyzes the filings, workload, and the estimated need for full-time equivalents judges (FTEs) for each judicial district and the state as a whole. Studies dating back to 2001 are available upon request.
FY 2018-19, Released April 2020
Legislative Brief
Judicial Map 2019
FY 2017-18, Released April 2019
Legislative Brief
Judicial Map 2018
FY 2016-17, Released February 2018
Several changes were made to this year’s update, including the inclusion of workers’ compensation cases back into the caseload estimation.
Judicial Map 2017
Legislative brief
FY 2015-16, Released April 2017
Legislative brief
FY 2014-15, Released February 2016
Legislative brief
FY 2013-14, Released January 2015
Legislative brief
October 2013:
As directed by the General Assembly, in 2013, the Comptroller’s Office contracted with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) to conduct a new time study by the state trial judges to update the 2007 weighted caseload study. This report reflects the estimated judicial resources needed to resolve cases coming before the courts in FY 2012-13. According to NCSC, the weighted caseload model presented in this report should be a starting point for determining judicial need; other qualitative factors should also be taken into account when determining judicial staffing needs.