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Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief

Volunteer Fire Departments Reporting


Section 68-102-309, Tennessee Code Annotated, requires the governing board of each recognized volunteer fire department receiving appropriations from the federal government, the state, or a local government to file an annual financial report with the comptroller of the treasury and with each local government body from which the department received appropriations. This report should be for the year ended June 30 and must be submitted by December 31 following the close of the reporting period.

Instructions for submission

An annual financial report may be submitted online by clicking on the link below. Please note that progress cannot be saved so all information needed to complete the form should be available prior to beginning the submission process.  A copy of the report will be sent to the email address provided after the report has been submitted.

By entering valid email addresses of the city and county governments that provide the department funding, an email detailing the report will be sent to these entities.

(If you wish to mail or fax an annual report, please download the form here.)

To begin the online submission process, click the button below.

If you need help completing this form please Click Here